"Should Colleges Get Rid of Fraternities?"

Article here. Excrrpt:

'Fraternities simply don’t fit into the mission of 21st century higher education. They represent a dominant and dangerous social culture that needs to be removed from universities.

We’re used to the headlines by now—stories of widespread abuse and bias that have no place on a modern campus. In leaked videos and emails, fraternity brothers across the country have been caught describing raping women or slinging racial slurs. Many researchers have found that fraternity members are more likely to commit rape than nonfraternity members. One study author has stated, “It is reasonable to conclude that fraternities turn men into guys more likely to rape.”

These toxic attitudes and behaviors don’t belong at the center of campus social life. I should note, however, that I’m generally not referring to minority fraternities, which typically don’t have houses and focus more on cultural networks.'

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White boys should never be allowed to associate amongst themselves! Then they become the worst members of society, or the lack thereof.

Nothing to see here. Just more sexism and racism against the easiest targets on the field.

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