Hear Them Roar: Meet the Honey Badgers, the Women Behind the Men's Rights Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'You've seen the video, right? The one with the vicious, weasel-skunk-fox hybrid sticking its nose into bee-filled holes, gnawing on mice, tearing the heads off snakes, and shaking off venomous cobra bites, waking up after a few minutes to return to eating its attacker? You know, the one that ends with, "Honey badger don't care. Honey badger don't give a shit"? If you're one the nearly 75 million people who've watched the YouTube sensation since it was posted in 2011, you may think you're familiar with this whole Honey Badger thing. You have no idea.

The women scattered across the U.S. and Canada who call themselves Honey Badgers have no true affiliation with the ferocious carnivorous mammals, nor with the viral nature mockumentary meme. They are, in fact, a group of concerned individuals who have banded together to stand up to a society that unfairly targets a segment of the population vulnerable simply because of its gender. That marginalized group? Men.'

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