Another accused student tries Title IX as a club to beat the hell out of his college

Article here. Excerpt:

'College Fix readers are undoubtedly aware of the Occidental College sexual-assault case, which we’ve covered several times as a prime example of the near-impossibility of male students defending themselves against accusations even when hard evidence is solidly in their favor.

Even when their accusers appear to have initiated sexual relations.

One due-process lawsuit and one Department of Education complaint later, the accused student “John Doe” has filed a second lawsuit against Occidental, this time claiming it discriminated against him based on his gender, City News Service reports:

`The current suit alleges Title IX violations and maintains Occidental’s discipline of Doe occurred in part because of “internal and external forces demanding Occidental find more male students responsible for sexually assaulting female students.”

The complaint states that colleges and universities have been under pressure from the federal Department of Education’s Office [for] Civil Rights to address sexual violence on campus or face the withholding of federal education money.`

His accuser is herself accused of initiating the sex – a claim validated by the investigator the school appointed – making this case different from many others where the parties either agreed the man initiated or neither could remember because they were so drunk.'

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