Australia: 'Mansplaining' and Taylor Swift lyrics take on Turnbull

Story here. Excerpt:

During question time in parliament on Wednesday, the new man in charge was accused of "mansplaining" by Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek.

Mansplaining is when a man explains something in which he is less of an expert, to a woman who is more so, because he assumes she is ignorant.

Ms Plibersek had asked whether Mr Turnbull could "confirm how much he will restore to the foreign aid programme after the cabinet he was part of cut the budget by $11.3bn dollars" in the last budget.

Mr Turnbull responded: "If the honourable member wanted to get a serious answer she should ask a serious question. If all she's interested in is making an allegation, making a political argument across the dispatch box, that is fine. But it's a complete waste of Question Time."
Unimpressed with the verbal jousting, she replied: "Mr Speaker, I'd rather have an answer than the mansplaining by the prime minister."

Within minutes, "mansplaining" was trending on Twitter in Australia, winning Ms Plibersek - and the word itself - both fans and critics.'

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... to be womansplained to abt how to field questions. But he couldn't've said that... or could he have?

If male pols are going to be presumed sexist by female ones, I say, give them something then. Chew on this: "I don't need no damned womansplaining at me!"

After all, when presumed guilty under all conditions, may as well have fun with it.

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It's only a matter of time before the words created by man haters solely for the sake of complaining have a complete set of female counterparts.

I already like to use the terms femsplaining and femplaining. Come to think of, the next time I'm being lectured by an SJW about how I don't understand how hard some have it, as a result of my race and gender, I'll ask them politely to stop femsplaining to me.

Oh, and the next time you see a woman on public transportation crossing her legs in such a way that it blocks the seat next to her, ask her to stop femspreading.

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