Hillary Clinton uses sexual assault to win votes
Article here. Excerpt:
'Hillary Rodham Clinton is once again pandering to women with her three-pronged proposal to end the “epidemic” of campus sexual assault, but Mrs. Clinton’s own actions directly contradict her newly released plan.
“It is not enough to condemn campus sexual assault. We need to end campus sexual assault,” Mrs. Clinton said to a group of supporters on Monday at the University of Northern Iowa.
But while the former secretary of state claims to be fighting a sexual assault “epidemic” on college campuses, what she is really fighting for are female votes.
“To every survivor of sexual assault … You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you,” Mrs. Clinton tweeted out on Monday.
Mrs. Clinton’s newly proposed standard violates the most sacred principle of the American criminal justice system, innocent until proven guilty.'
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