Hillary Clinton Cites Debunked 1-In-5 Campus Sexual Assault Stat During Campaign Speech
Article here. Excerpt:
'Hillary Clinton claimed on the campaign trail in Iowa on Monday that one-in-five women in college have been sexually assaulted, though the ratio she cited has been debunked by many scholars who believe it overstates the problem of campus sexual violence.
“This is a special time and a special place to be talking specifically about an issue that effects one-in-five women on campus,” Clinton said during a “Hillary for Women” event at the University of Northern Iowa.
Clinton’s remarks were timed with the release of a three-pronged policy proposal to help combat the “epidemic” of campus sexual assault. The plan aims to provide a support network for survivors of sexual assault. It also proposes to increase focus on university disciplinary proceedings for accusers and the accused. She also addressed providing sexual violence prevention programs for students earlier in school.'
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