NYC ends consent requirement for circumcision suction ritual
Story here. Excerpt:
'People who perform an ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcision suction ritual will no longer have to get parents to sign acknowledgements of potential health risks, the city Board of Health decided Wednesday, reversing a policy that pitted health officials against religious leaders over a practice that dates to biblical times.
The vote formalized a tentative policy shift Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration made in February. The city now distributes information about what officials see as possible risks of oral suction circumcision, but signed consent forms are no longer required.
"The Board of Health, from the start, aimed to ensure that parents had information so that they could make informed decisions," Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said Wednesday, adding that the consent requirement "hadn't been that effective."
The practice is performed each year on an estimated 3,000 New York City babies, a fraction of the city's Jewish population. The ritual, formally called metzitzah b'peh in Hebrew, entails a rabbi or another circumciser sucking blood from an infant's circumcision wounds.'
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