Freshman charged with rape 'no longer permitted on campus'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Christopher Petersen, a freshman student who was charged with first-degree sexual assault of a woman in Sandoz Hall, is no longer allowed on campus, the university said in a statement on Thursday afternoon.

"UNL has taken steps to ensure the safety of the campus in the wake of this report," university spokesperson Steve Smith said in an email. "I can confirm that Mr. Petersen is no longer permitted on the UNL campus."

Petersen was released on a $50,000 bond from the Lancaster County jail. Petersen was arrested on Monday on suspicion of the sexual assault. He was charged with first-degree sexual assault by Lancaster County prosecutors after a student living in Sandoz Hall told police she was raped in her dorm room on September 5.
Under the University of Nebraska-Lincoln student code of conduct under Appendix A: Response to Allegations of Student Sexual Misconduct, the university is allowed to pursue disciplinary action against a student at the same time the student is facing criminal charges for the same offense, even if the criminal prosecution is pending, or has been dismissed. 

"It is worth emphasizing that student disciplinary records are private," Smith said. "Therefore, in the interest of privacy of the individual, we are prohibited from disclosing further details."'

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