The Anti-Romeos: Feminism’s Assault on Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'American women should be outraged. Not because of their supposed oppression over the years, but because American women have been starved of one of the greatest values available to them while living life on earth: masculine men.

This is not to say that masculine men don’t exist—they do, by the millions! But, culturally, they are suffocated.

Before the malicious feminist revolution, women could enjoy not just men, but masculine men. Popular actors included the masculine Paul Newman, the gentlemanly Clark Gable, the cool and confident Sean Connery. Women could line up at military bases to watch their favorite men in uniform. Up until just before the women’s liberation movement, women used to faint after seeing their favorite men in concert. In my lifetime, I have yet to see such a health concern at a concert—unless the raped, dehydrated, and mud-covered women of the 1999 Woodstock count.

For the past 30 years, the dirtiest, most politically incorrect concept to talk about has been masculinity. It has been pushed under the rug, twisted, turned, and manipulated. In our newly feminized nation, few want to talk about it or define it. Let us now define it.'

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