UK: Lawyer accused of sexism after complimenting barrister on 'stunning' LinkedIn picture

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 57-year-old lawyer was accused of “unacceptable and misogynistic behaviour” after he sent a barrister half his age a LinkedIn message complimenting her on her “stunning picture”.

Alexander Carter-Silk was named and shamed on Twitter by 27-year-old human rights lawyer Charlotte Proudman who posted her reply to the message online.

He has since apologised for the message, in which he told Ms Proudman he was “delighted to connect”, adding “I appreciate that this is probably horrendously politically incorrect but that is a stunning picture !!!”

The lawyer, a partner at international firm Brown Rudnick continued: “You definitely win the prize for the best Linked in picture I have ever seen.
Her response, which prompted praise on social media, read: “I am on linked-in for business purposes not to be approached about my physical appearance or to be objectified by sexist men.'

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... he didn't tell her she had the a$$-ugliest mug he'd ever seen and her picture cracked the glass on his smartphone.

Can just imagine what that would've sparked... a lynch mob outside his office? Good flippin' grief...

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