Of frogs and misandry
Article here. Seems anything can be turned into an opportunity to bash on men. Excerpt:
'Dating is getting a whole lot harder in suburban frog ponds.
In a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers David Skelly and Max Lambert sampled hundreds of frogs from Connecticut ponds and found that males are disappearing. And they aren’t just being born at lower rates than females — they’re actually becoming female.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: Poor lady frogs! How are you supposed to find a boyfriend if all the guys are disappearing? It’s hard enough to be a fly-eater and now you’re telling me there’s a serious dude shortage. Well, lady frogs. I come to you with a message of hope: Life without males could actually be an improvement. Think of a problem real quick. Let’s say … climate change. And who do we have to blame for that? Henry Ford comes to mind. Also the CEOs of oil companies, most politicians, and whoever thought up capitalism in the first place. Basically, a bunch of men. Now, how about the Syrian refugee crisis? Whose fault is that? That would be one Bashar Hafez al-Assad, otherwise known as A MAN. Same thing for dog fighting, deforestation, homelessness, the European debt crisis, and the fact that my street always smells like piss. There’s a dude behind it all. Lady frogs, consider yourselves lucky. Got room in there for one more?'
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climate change?
I thought it was originally called global warming? why change the name if the science is so settled? according to our 'cool' and transparent scientifical president, global warming - I mean climate change - is the worse problem facing mankind. just give these super smart progressive socialists/marxists more tax $$ and they will fix it all. just ax 'em. good to know they have found something they feel they can really fix this time, and its not just some made up boogie man.
can't wait until they get the newest carbon tax $$ and only then explain to us HOW they plan on fixing climate change, a process that has been ongoing since the dawn of time. I have a feeling taking the peons (us) back to something resembling the 'dawn of time' is what they have in mind, for most of us that is.
obviously, logic and the scientific method are NOT among their strong points.