"Murder is the second most likely way for women to die at work"
Article here. Remember: It's only a problem if it affects women, and then only as it affects women. Excerpt:
'Many people work at dangerous heights, or with deadly chemicals or crushing equipment. But, as the gruesome killing of reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward reminded us Wednesday, murder happens surprisingly often on the job. Out of nearly 4,600 workplace deaths in 2013, 9 percent were caused by homicides, according to the census of workplace deaths by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
It's a pattern that disproportionately affects women. After car accidents, homicide is the most likely way for women to die at work, representing 21 percent of workplace deaths. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to die many other ways. Murders represent 8 percent of workplace deaths for men, preceded by car accidents, falls and contact with objects and equipment.
Overall, more men are murdered on the job than women. But that's because more men are killed on the job overall. Women do more than 40 percent of the work hours in this country, but represent 7 percent of workplace deaths, according to the census of workplace deaths. So more dangerous types of work result in 13 men dying on the job for every woman who dies.'
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Female murders are LESS THAN 2% of workplace deaths
That number is so low, compared to deaths men are experiencing on the job, it's apparently too embarrassing to print.
Women are 7 percent (or is it 6 percent as I've read elsewhere) of all workplace deaths.
Men are 93-94 percent, of all workplace injuries and deaths.
Of that miniscule 7 percent of workplace deaths that women experience, 21 percent are homicides. Let's see now, what is 21 percent of 7 percent? .21 X .07 = 1.47 percent. Yep, not even 2 percent of all workplace deaths are female homicides - so since it's women who are effected it's an epidemic - or is it just more feminist hyperbole manipulating statistics to embellish what is otherwise a small number compared to overall male workplace deaths? Where is a much greater concern about that? Yep, crickets from the misandrist hypocrite media.