California continues descent into campus sexual assault madness

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two more bills currently in the California state legislature would aim to address the issue. One would require all of the state's universities – public and private – to disclose what disciplinary actions were taken against students accused of sexual assault. Another bill would require universities to indicate on transcripts when a student cannot re-enroll due to a suspension or expulsion.

Some proponents of the new policies have described campus adjudication of sexual assault as an educational process, rather than a criminal proceeding. That might be true if the consequences of a finding of responsibility weren't as damaging to one's future as a criminal trial.

A student found responsible for campus sexual assault is often branded a rapist in local (and often national) media, his transcript is forever marked and his reputation is forever tarnished. And let's not forget that a finding of responsibility can be achieved on nothing more than an accusation, with exculpatory evidence and witnesses ignored and a complete lack of due process.

An expulsion with a mark on the transcript could keep him from continuing his education. When accused students have been suspended and allowed to return to campus, outrage has sometimes ensued. Colleges are now being pressured simply to expel. Expelled students — again, expelled based on nothing more than an accusation — find it nearly impossible to transfer to another school. Their education is halted, and if they can't afford an attorney to sue the university for wrongful expulsion, their lives are put on hold.

As one male student told Buzzfeed: "At first I thought they didn't want me to participate in campus activities. Then I thought they didn't want me to graduate. Now they don't want me to have a job or be part of society. Do they want me to commit suicide? Is that what they want me to do? What is the endgame?"'

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He got it right: ultimately, elimination of males. Suicide only makes it easier for them. So to avoid it, avoid them. It's impossible these days not to have the company of feminists foisted on you at a coed uni, so the wise college-aged man either goes to a men's college or skips the bloated debt burden and risk of getting caught in a feminist snare and uses his time and $$ more wisely: trade school, an online college (spares the cost of dorm living) or teach yourself tradable skills (computer programming, etc.), spend a tiny fraction of what you'd spend at college for a certification, then go live your life happily free from 4 years of feminist shilling and anti-male, predatory administration policy.

MGTOW is now not just a mere lifestyle choice, but a survival strategy.

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But I drove by my alma mater yesterday and the women I saw were just as good looking as when I went there. So I understand again why guys get tempted to ask one of these gals on a date--or have sex with them.

I'm older now but my eyes work just fine. :)

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... if they do so, they risk their futures and reputations at the whim of a 19-year-old girl.

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In my day, a guy might have a bad experience, but he very rarely got charged with rape. Now that regret is rape, it's different. And now that he must prove he had consent, it's different.

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