University casts straight, white males as ‘villains’ in skits (and other observations from freshman orientation)

Article here. Excerpt:

'His public university’s orientation, for example, included “an interactive theater experience focused on diversity and inclusiveness,” comprising “four skits, each addressing a cardinal sin of the liberal perspective—racism, sexism, heterosexism, and class politics,”according to Dent, who detailed his experience in an essay for the Pope Center for Higher Education Policy.

“The skits set forth various scenarios,” Dent notes. “The first showed an Indian woman talking to a white friend, who unintentionally acted racist. In another, a man aggressively flirted with a woman who was clearly uncomfortable. The next skit showed two friends asking another friend of lesser means to go out to lunch and immediately assuming he had the means to do so. The final skit showed a gay man react with offense at the use of the word ‘gay’ as a derogatory term.”

“Instead of showing that all people are equally deserving of human dignity, the theater group created its own caricatures: the ‘villains’ in each of the skits were either white, male, heterosexual, middle class, or some combination of the four,” Dent added. “Perhaps, if the objective had been solely to learn how to navigate a community whose citizens hail from increasingly diverse backgrounds on ethnic, religious, and cultural lines, this exercise would have been helpful, if ham-handed.”'

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Aaaaand, so many people wonder why I am no longer a Liberal Democrat.
Originally I was a Democrat, because it used to be the party of equal and civil rights.
But now, like the feminists it supports, it has simply become what it once opposed.
Now it is the Democrats that are the bigots, the racists and the sexists. In good conscience. how can I be a member or supporter of such a party?

I'm not at the polar opposite, a Conservative Republican, either, but the Republicans sure look more inviting, these days, then does the Democrat party as it now stands.

(Sorry, btw, to anyone who still identifies as a Democrat, I mean no offence, but, I mean..., LOOK at it.)

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from what we've all heard was about the same as what we have today. just replace the term 'race discrimination' w/ 'gender discrimination'. special rules/privileges just for one group in all things. examples:

schools: boys are being held back and drugged. girls are encouraged.
colleges: women are almost 3/4 of grads. men are targeted, looked down upon, and pretty much 2nd class citizens
workplace: everybody w/ special hiring/promotion status but white men, especially in anything associated w/ government. quotas in place everywhere.
gov. benefits: where to start w/ handouts/special status to everybody but white men.
laws: should I even mention divorce court? alimony, palimony, auto custody, c.s. +++ almost everything always goes to women.
prisons: women typically only get a fraction of the 'justice' handed out to men. they don't get charged nearly as much for the same crimes. heck, it took forever before they even started arresting women for sexual assault on minors.
false accusations: men are demonized and falsely accused of d.v., rape, attempted rape, and molestation daily in our 'fair' court system. no punishment for ruining a man's life, just an opening for a law suit to rob him as well once the lawyers get through.
military: affirmative action and p.c. has decimated the ranks of our military. morale is at all time lows.
marriage: about 3 of 4 divorces are filed for by women. why not, they get most all the family assets by default (kids). what's the average marriage now, 1-2 years?

I think the race thing was about snuffed out until this bunch of race baiters came on the scene promising free stuff for votes. now the feminists have picked up the ball and are running w/ it. what were once men don't seem aware that they have morphed into manginas. 'yes dear!' is their new mating call. maybe the saddest part is that they are quickly assuming the role of x-husband, once she has the kid(s) she needs to attach his income (divorce).

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