Feminism: the latest celebrity must-have

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism is the new moral orthodoxy: reject it and you are a woman-hater; criticise it and you’re confused or ignorant. Despite its supposed focus on women’s equality, feminists guard their cliquey politics with such force that it sometimes feels like you’re back in school and wearing the wrong shade of pink. When writer and student Lauren Southern posted a picture on social media stating that she was not a feminist, she received an onslaught of hate mail, including messages from women who claimed that her picture had made them so upset they were physically sick.
Women who decide to bin the feminist badge are actually making a progressive point. Contemporary feminism is defined by a cult of victimhood, one which demands that women cry on social media about their faux daily oppression at the hands of the opposite sex and beg for the intervention of a protective state. A woman rejecting feminism in all its drippy glory should be celebrated. Young women have it good, and no woman in the UK is born into inequality on the basis of her gender. Problems more significant than catcalling arise later in life, but abortion, motherhood and household chores aren’t as easy to hashtag as nipple piercings and tampons.'

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guys who are required to support feminists (married to one, gf is one, etc.) will give grief to other guys who take up for men who feminists don't like, like MRA's. also, false accusations play a BIG part in the arsenal of wmd's the feminists have developed. let a woman falsely accuse you of d.v., or rape, or attempted rape, or molestation and so forth, and you will lose friends faster than Hillary's people can wipe a server. buds quickly turn into cruds when their bosses tag almost any guy as an abuser. **guys like clinton and less so weiner get a pass of course. its in their rule book.

just remember though, cutting babies struggling to live into pieces and selling their body parts is o.k. that's an fyi just so you guys don't get confused. its a strange religion and dam hard to keep up w/o a program.

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"cutting babies struggling to live into pieces and selling their body parts is o.k."

But cop a feel and your life is over.

Feminists seek ever greater protection for themselves, but not for their unborn children. Seems like a massive contradiction to me.

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