The Dean of Sexual Assault
Article here. Excerpt:
'But I found myself thinking, I didn’t sign on for this. Unlike professional athletes or musical performers or reality TV stars, people who become deans of students are not usually interested in the spotlight. Our work goes on behind closed doors where the hearts of students are laid bare and need to be repaired, or in campus forums where our students get to question our decisions and we can defend them, or change them. These things happen in the context of community, and that is what provides meaning and validity. That is how change, and improvement, occur.
And now our work is the subject of bloggers and activists who are so driven by agendas that they cannot consider an alternative viewpoint. Our efforts to serve our campuses are being pushed aside by the cottage industry of “consultants” and lawyers who prey on the fear of presidents and boards, worried that their institution will be the next one featured in The New York Times.
Did we need to be challenged about sexual assault response? Yes, and we were, and we worked hard to improve.
Did we need to be better as a profession? Yes. I have never believed I had it all figured out, and don’t know any other deans of students who would make that claim. But when swept up in a tidal wave of uncivil and often uninformed opinion offering, unfounded accusations, questionable Title IX complaints and spurious litigation, it is hard to do anything other than keep from drowning. Trying to improve one’s stroke at that moment is impossible.'
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The real challenge...
"Did we need to be challenged about sexual assault response? Yes, and we were, and we worked hard to improve."
What colleges and universities need to be challenged on today is the Rape Witch-Hunting and false accusations against innocent men that are going on in the name of the vile, gender-feminist agenda. And NO, there has never been a rape epidemic so college and university rape witch-hunt stooges need to stop fabricating one.