This ‘Sexist Air Conditioning’ Interview Has Killed Feminism Forever

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oh silly season, how I love you. The newspapers are filled with absolute crap, our politicians are ignoring major national issues, because all the decent journalists are on holiday, and our 24-hour news channels have to rely on second string hosts and guests to fill time.

I can only imagine this is how someone like Radhika Sanghani manages to get a spot on Sky News to talk about how air conditioning is… wait for it… sexist.

Oh it was such a beautifully infuriating interview. I laughed, I cried, I vomited a little bit in my mouth. And I hope you will too. Not in my mouth, mind you. In your own.

There is nothing better than watching a trumped up, 14-year-old looking, RadFem make a total prat out of herself on live television.'

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Oh, really?
So, now I'm being oppressed by appliances?
Hmmm... Well..., my Microwave oven has been laughing at me lately. (~_^)

Seriously, though, I wonder what they will find that is "oppressing" us ladies, next. Mmm... How 'bout pencil sharpeners? ...rather ... suggestive, don't you think?

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If they don't like the AC, they can always go back to the kitchen.

Then they would complain about the men working in air conditioned offices while they work in a hot kitchen.

Wait. They already did that.


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Ain't that the truth?
Can't win, either way, can you? Even when we (women) get what we want, we will still find something to b***h about.

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