Vindicated ‘Sexist’ Scientist Banned From Conference Due To Feminist Threat

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Italian university has banned Sir Tim Hunt from speaking at a conference because of “some hazardous occurrence” threatened by a local group of feminists. The silencing of the renowned scientist follows a recording of his now infamous toast finally surfacing in which laughter is heard following the joke, confirming that it was taken in jocular spirit.

Sir Tim was due to speak at a conference of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology in Ferrara later in the year. However, in an e-mail seen by The Times, president of the organising committee, Silvano Capitani, apologised to the scientist before writing:

“[The society’s board] have reached the conclusion that your presence at the society’s 69th annual conference… might result in some hazardous occurrence for you and for the regular course of the event… I have several evidence [sic] that activists have already taken [a] position on the issue, and regardless [of whether] they are right or not, this represents a potential serious problem.”'

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