Hillary Clinton's White Male Voter Problem

Article here. Excerpt:

'Karl Savage is the kind of guy that makes top Democrats nervous.

He lives in a working-class neighborhood, with a cigar-store Indian perched on his front stoop and a carved Harley-Davidson sign on his garage. He's voted in Democratic primaries, he's older, he's white—and he does not care for Hillary Clinton. Not one little bit.

He made this very clear, in fact, to a Clinton campaign volunteer who rang his doorbell recently only to watch the front door close on him just seconds into his pitch. A short while later, his wife, Pamela, offered this explanation before similarly shutting the door: "We're not interested. We don't like her."

So while Republicans fret about their party's outreach to Latinos and other minorities, this one Saturday morning door-knock encapsulates the fear among leading Democrats: Their party no longer speaks to white people, particularly white men, and they could lose the White House because of it.'

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She $hits all over men (and in particular white ones) then expects them to vote for her. Gee, why aren't those pesky (white) males not polling for her?

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out!

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"this one Saturday morning door-knock encapsulates the fear among leading Democrats: Their party no longer speaks to white people, particularly white men, and they could lose the White House because of it.' "

Good! Serves them right!
(and I am a former Democrat, primarily BECAUSE of my former party's bollocks!)

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Yes, well, GOOD!
Because Hillary Clinton, certainly ISN'T one!

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