"The Good, The Bad, and The Beta Male"

Article here. Excerpt:

'No one (or group) made an attempt to stop the assailant who was the first to exist the train and into the crowd of families in D.C. for 4th of July celebrations. Oblivious to what harm he may continue to do, the others on the car were just relieved to see him leave.

John Daniel Davidson at The Federalistwrote, “That Spires had a knife—what the police said was a ‘small, black folding knife’ they later recovered from a trash can—is no excuse. Any two adult men in that subway car could have stopped him, no matter how crazy or strong he was, and saved Sutherland’s life.”
Prior to reading these and other stories, I would have chalked up the “beta male” stories to liberal fantasies to stomp out masculinity. But these are no longer fantasies. The beta male movement is real. It started with drugging little boys who didn’t want to sit still in class. The outcome is big boys sitting still while a man is stabbed to death. We must save the alpha males before they are extinct.'

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When it's time to hand out the benefits, like a nice big salary, the women are of course "equal," and we are told, should be treated just like the men. But when it's time to do the hard work, like confront a killer on public transportation, it's a man's job and women wouldn't even think of doing it. The double standard is so apparent that it stinks.

It's not a matter of alpha or beta men, it's a matter of a legal system that punishes you for getting involved. Why should men protect the women on the public transportation, why should they be chivalrous? Because men get anything in return these days? Not.

Men are walking away from traditional duties like marriage, provision, and protection. Why? Because there's nothing in it for them anymore (only risk, shame, and slave-like obligation). And women are starting to get alarmed... the gravy train is stopping... and women might have to actually perform like a man, instead of being pedestalized and catered to...oh no...

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