Scotland: Nightclub and pub staff to be taught how to detect potential rapists

Article here. Excerpt:

'A NEW campaign has been launched to teach workers in nightclubs and bars to spot predatory rapists.

Bystander training is being rolled out across the country to encourage staff to intervene if they see women in potential danger of sexual assault.

The training will run in parallel with a hard-hitting anti-rape initiative from Police Scotland targeting the 16-27 age group, who account for a third of victims and perpetrators of the crime.
“We have examples of where the predator has moved in, looked for the girl who has had a bit to drink and when she has got up to go to the toilet or the bar, has insinuated himself with her.

“The predator cuts her out of the group and he will be the one who buys her that last drink and he is the one who leaves with her. That is when that woman is at her most vulnerable.”'

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