Study: Bisexual men at greater risk for psychosocial problems, HIV

Article here. Excerpt:

'An American study involving nearly 7,000 men drew some jarring conclusions about bisexual males’ psychological and sexual health.

According to the study, men who have had sex with both men and women are “disproportionately impacted by psychosocial vulnerabilities,” are more likely to report depression, suicidality, incarceration and substance use.

The study also backed the notion that the bisexual community faces a greater risk of HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS. Its authors called MSMW -- or men who have sex with men, who have also had female partners -- a “priority population for HIV risk reduction.”
Given the other sexual tendencies they discovered among bisexual men, it may be a challenge. Looking at both lifetime sexual history and sexual activity from the past year, the study found that bisexual men in relationships with women had a greater chance of unprotected sex, sex in exchange for resources and sexually transmitted infection (STI).'

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