Scholar Takes On ‘The Authoritarian Juggernaut’ Of Campus Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Countering feminist misinformation with facts has landed Christina Hoff Sommers, an avowed feminist and avid number cruncher at the American Enterprise Institute, into a cauldron on American college campuses and into a new alliance with gamers.

Over the last two years when a swarm of gender studies feminists attacked gaming as sexist, racist and offensive based on their social justice narratives, the incensed gamers pushed back against the authoritarian leftists and found an ally in Sommers, a scholar and author who calls on feminism to be grounded in reality and truth. Looking at the games and the research, she decreed the gamers falsely accused. They called her “Based Mom.”'

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why does Ms. Sommers continue to refer to herself as a "Feminist", when she is so clearly (and thankfully) NOT a feminist?

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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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