Accused Student Suing Emma Sulkowicz for Misandry

Article here. Excerpt:

'Misandry, or the man-hating equivalent of misogyny, has gone from a far-out accusation leveled by Men’s Rights Activist types to an ironic, re-appropriated feminist inside joke, and now it has come back out the other side. In a lawsuit against Columbia University, counsel for the male student Emma Sulkowicz has accused of rape are using language that usually connotes anti-female harassment. In a pre-trial letter posted on the Wall Street Journal, they cite “intentional discrimination on the basis of his male sex by condoning a hostile educational environment due to knowingly permitting and apparently approving of Columbia student Emma Sulkowicz’s and Defendant Columbia Professor Kessler’s engaging in prolonged sexual harassment of Plaintiff Nungesser, with the consequence that Plaintiff Nungesser had been effectively denied equal access to Defendant Columbia’s resources and opportunities.”

They’re using Title IX, the same law that activists use to push schools to be more responsive to accusers, to demand damages for Paul Nungesser. Specific sub-accusations include Columbia’s allowing Sulkowicz to do her performance art project for campus credit, allowing her to graduate with honors, and allowing her to walk onstage with her mattress (which the school actually forbade her from doing but she did anyway):

"“Columbia Professor Jon Kessler and Emma Sulkowicz jointly designed her senior thesis “Carry That Weight” mattress project for which Emma Sulkowicz received Columbia University course credit and the public endorsement of Defendant Columbia Professor Kessler as showing how Defendant Columbia felt about the issue.”"'

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I believe the title is misleading. Nunggesser is suing Trustees of Columbia University, University President Lee Bollinger and Professor Jon Kessler. As far as I know, he is not suing Sulkowicz.

I think the first day in court is July 1st. Hopefully things will go well. I will be watching this case.

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yes. same here.
to be honest, i believe that Thundercloud, in one of his later posts suggested something like this.
suing universities for condoning and perpetuating a hostile environment.
surely, if it was the other way about, and male students were doing these sort of stunts (among many others) it would NEVER, EVER be tolerated.
funny, isn't it, that feminists and like-minded women love prattling on about "toxic masculinity". never taking heed of their own toxicity.

...frankly i also think that men should rather get together and sue the media, all feminist organizations and any other like parties for gender slander!
no i am not joking.
it would be similar to the "Anti-Defamation League"

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Sarah... this sort of thing is a long time coming.
and i assure you it is going to get "worse", in the future. i am an ex feminist. and now an egalitarian, and i have spent a lot of time in both "camps", if you will.
and i can tell you unequivocally, that the lid on this pressure cooker in about to blow.
as i said i have spent much time with feminists and MRAs and MGTOWs alike.
men are fed up of all this.
they are fed up of the shaming, the misandry from not just feminists but like-minded-women the media, the judicial system and the society as a whole that demonizes them at every opportunity. they are fed up of the false stats about "rape", and domestic violence. they are fed up of being beaten over the head with unending women's issues. they are fed up of hearing that they are to blame for "everything wrong in the world". they are fed up of being told they are "born-rapists", they are fed up of being told they are sexist, when they so much as criticize feminism. they are fed up of hearing how men are all sexist, and yet all they hear from us (women) is sexism about them. I.E. castration jokes, "gendercide" jokes, etc. and the "gendercide" thing is actually a serious consideration by some. if any of this were the reverse women would go bat-s--t-insane over it. (and well we should if it were the case).
men are fed up of not being listened to, when it comes to their issues. which are just as real and important as our issues are.
they are fed up of trying to tell us these issues and simply being mocked and shamed for doing so.
they are fed up of being told they are "patriarchal" monsters in a "patriarchal" society. (a "patriarchal" society that doesn't even EXIST!) they are fed up of hearing about "violence against women" when in reality MUCH MORE violence is done to men.
they are fed up of "breast cancer, breast cancer, breast cancer" when roughly the same number of men die from prostate cancer. and most funding GOES to breast cancer. in fact breast cancer gets MORE funding than any other disease, on earth! they are fed up of being the disposable gender. they are fed up of male bashing. they are fed up of the wage gap issue, which has conclusively been proven FALSE! and yet is STILL perpetuated in the media and among feminists, and in society at large.
they are fed up of hearing women say awful things about men PUBLICALLY, whereas any man that publicly rubbished women would be beaten to death by an angry mob (not much of an exaggeration, mind you). they are fed up with hearing feminists say that they are "sub-human" and should be "reduced" at the least and "exterminated" at the most. (very NAZI-ESQUE, eh?) they are fed up of said feminists given credibility in the public sphere, media and even in GOVERNMENT!
they are fed up of these new GENDER-SPECIFIC LAWS that keep cropping up, such as "MANSPREADING" and the new little doosie; "MAN-CONTROL" that is now being considered. such laws are LITERALLY unconstitutional and violate civil and human rights!
in short.... men are just fed up!
ask yourself, if you had to deal with a world like this on a daily basis..., what would YOUR reaction be?
nothing exists in a vacuum. evidently feminists believe that they are immune to laws of consequences. did they truly believe that men would put up with this bollocks infinitesimally? that it wouldn't reach saturation point?
i am rare among western women, apparently. i actually LISTEN to both women AND men. and i am TELLING you, right here and now... this thing is about to blow!! if we ignore this we do so at our own peril.
these men that i speak with, and the ones i read about and the one's who's comments i read, are not frothing at the mouth misogynists (as i'm sure they will be painted when the s--t hits the fan) they are simply human beings living in a society that vilifies them and ignores them. they are angry. as any woman would be if the reverse were the case.
they are simply fed up.
it's just that simple.

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