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UK: Nobel Scientists Condemn Feminist ‘Lynch Mob’ That Ousted Professor
Article here. Excerpt:
'Eight Nobel prizewinning scientists have rallied to the defence of Sir Tim Hunt, the British scientist who was forced to resign his honorary professorship at University College London (UCL) after making comments on the “trouble with girls” in laboratories.
Sir Andre Geim, who won the Nobel prize for physics in 2010, said Sir Tim had been “crucified” by feminist fanatics and condemned UCL for “ousting him” from his honorary post. A senior colleague of Sir Tim’s wife Professor Mary Collins also accused UCL of a “knee-jerk reaction” following a Twitter storm.
Sir Tim, who won the Nobel prize himself in 2001, said he feels “hung out to dry” after the hysterical backlash over his “joke” comment that women who work in laboratories cry when criticised and distract male colleagues by falling in love with them.
The Times newspaper contacted various Nobel laureates, eight of whom either condemned UCL’s decision or said the press reaction had been out of proportion, while only two said the college was right to remove him.'
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Bahar Mustafa.
While what professor Hunt said, may have been somewhat careless, particularly in today's gender climate, it certainly did NOT warrant his ouster, in the least!
Especially if you compare it to the comments of the likes of Bahar Mustafa, so-called "welfare and diversity officer" of Goldsmiths Student Union.
Professor Hunt, merely made an offhanded remark about female lab assistants falling in love with professors, and crying rather easily. a rather generalistic comment and perhaps a silly one, but that's all.
Mustafa, however, labeled people "white trash" and tweeted "#killallwhitemen". As well as banned white men from a university event on diversifying the curriculum at Goldsmiths University, London. (ERIKA: how's that for irony?) Then defended her position by stating that she could not be racist (or sexist) because she is an ethnic minority woman. (ERIKA: Bollocks!) And despite a huge protest and a petition demanding her removal, Bahar Mustafa STILL gets to keep her position!
One makes a foolish remark about women crying, the other ACTIVELY discriminates and advocates murder of people based on both gender and race, yet only ONE is forced to step down.
As I stated in another post. Something is OBVIOUSLY f--ked up, here!
And feminists have the utter audacity to continue to say we live in a "patriarchy" that is unfair to women!
God...! Stop the planet, I want to get off!