The US Is Leading The Way In Fatherlessness And It’s Hurting Our Kids
Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-06-20 09:57
Article here. Excerpt:
'America leads the industrialized world in fatherlessness.
Right now, around 41 percent of children are born to single mothers.
For women under 30, who bear two-thirds of all children, that rate is 53 percent.
Many unmarried women are cohabiting with partners at the outset of their children’s births, but those couplings disintegrate at twice the rate of marriages.
In total, about one-third of all children are raised in father-absent homes.
By some estimates, this means more kids are growing up with televisions in their bedroom than with both of their biological parents.
Boys are especially affected by this trend. Without positive and consistent male role models, society misses out on much of their constructive potential.'
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don't you men get it?
none of that is important.
what's important is that WOMEN get everything they want.
Everything else is secondary.
(I am being facetious, of course)