Child Support System Dysfunctional

Story here. Robert Franklin reports on a study by a Dr. Brenda Williams that reveals some troubling information about child support enforcement. Some excerpts:

Blacks are 87% of those incarcerated:

"My non-profit group, The Family Unit, recently studied the incarceration of non-custodial parents in Sumter County for non-payment of child support. We found that 87 percent of those incarcerated are African-Americans and the majority are indigent, don’t have a high school diploma, live in low-income neighborhoods and are unemployed."

Fathers are 98% of those jailed:

"Based on all the incarcerations of parents for child support arrears in the state except three counties, those data revealed that some 98% of those incarcerated were fathers."

NCPs are jailed for failing to pay attorneys:

"Additionally, scores of non-custodial parents are ordered to pay thousands of dollars in fees to the attorneys of the custodial parents. The court commonly rules that attorneys must be paid in full, either immediately or within one to four months. Failure to pay means incarceration for at least 90 days."

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