How To End the Title Nein Fascism in Five Minutes

Article here. Excerpt:

'By now it is evident even to honest liberals that Title IX is an out of control monster that makes old fashioned political correctness and speech codes look like a John Stuart Mill seminar. The Laura Kipness episode at Northwestern University might prove a tipping point, but I doubt it: between the determination of the will-to-power left, the cravenness of most college administrations (including Northwestern’s feckless president Mort Schapiro—I’ve got a file on him, as this isn’t his first epic failure in academic leadership), and the push from the Alinskyites in the Obama Administration, the Title IX campus brownshirts are likely to roll on.
The informal “guidance” character of the Title IX corruption can be undone in the first five minutes of the next administration, if a conservative is elected. On Inauguration Day, the new president should direct the Department of Education to send out a “Dear Colleague” letter to all colleges and universities that, first, withdraws the Obama DoE Title IX guidance letter, and, second, instructs that all colleges and universities that do not follow full formal due process (including the right to have an attorney present at all campus hearings) for all charges of harassment or sexual assault will be investigated by the Justice Department, and may have their federal funds cut off.

Problem solved. Bonus: Maybe a few liberals will start to warm to the idea of abolishing the Department of Education.'

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