"Ironic Misandry Claims Its First Victim"
Article here. Excerpt:
'Last month student union leaders at Goldsmiths, University of London, organized a meeting for minority students to chat about their stake in the student protests being staged at schools across London over the high cost of tuition. Bahar Mustafa had just been re-elected to her post as welfare and diversity officer for Goldsmiths’ student union, and she eagerly recruited her Facebook friends to help spread the word. Oh, and “if you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME,” she wrote in a note. “Don’t worry lads we will give you and allies things to do.”
Instead, one Goldsmiths lad screengrabbed the post and published it on a student news site. Mustafa has “made it very difficult for cis white males on campus,” an anonymous member of the demo complained to the paper. Soon, local tabloids had scooped up the story,delighted by the irony of a “diversity officer” banning students by race. While some members of the Goldsmiths student union pledged their support of Mustafa, an anonymous faction of students filed a petition with the union early this month calling for a vote of “no confidence” in her. They alleged that Mustafa had repeatedly posted hashtags like #Misandry and #KillAllWhiteMen to her personal Twitter account. This constituted “hate speech based on race and gender,” they argued. Some students felt “intimidated” and “silenced” by her tone.'
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oh, my!
how diverse of her. (sarcasm)
...shouldn't someone in the position of "welfare and diversity officer"
actually promote diversity, and not discourage it, in the least...?
just putting that out there.
(my website) http://menshaven.wikifoundry.com/
her masters degree
is in feminist and media studies. I guess they had to add the 'media studies' part so people wouldn't laugh when she tells them seriously, and w/ a straight face (if possible), what she spent all that $$ and time doing in what is sadly being referred to these sad days as getting an advanced education.
who would have thought 50 years ago that affirmative action would have polluted everything it touched to such an extent?
affirmative action
some people predicted this would happen, decades ago.
...they were "shouted down".
We are getting stronger
And they are on the defensive
all i can say is....
all i can say, ThomasI, is good, and good!