Jane Crow To 1940 Movies
Essays here. Excerpt from the third installment:
'A great deal of women's self-indulgence is based on their victimization. Women gain much power by being victims. Feminism insists that women are always victims, in every endeavor, and that men are always the victimizers and are never victims themselves.
The fear of black men raping white women has long been an impetus for the subjugation of blacks in America. For example, feminist Rebecca Felton said in 1897, "If it requires lynching to protect woman's dearest possession from ravening, drunken human beasts, then I say lynch a thousand negroes a week...." This fear was instrumental in leading to riots, the take-over of governments by whites after Reconstruction, and Jim Crow. There seems to be a similar rape crisis in America today, in which feminists are greatly exaggerating the danger of rape and sexual assault to all women by all men. This rape fear-mongering and other exaggerations and outright lies, just like Jim Crow, are also leading to unjust legislation and practices today. For example, people scoffed when Oberlin College initiated oppressive dating rules for men a few years ago, but those "affirmative consent" rules are now the law in California universities. The Department of Education has demanded that colleges end much due process for male students accused of sexual misconduct, or the colleges risk losing federal funding. Denial of the large number of false rape accusations leads to punishment of innocent men. Many women are demanding that all fraternities close. Sexual harassment rules have made traditional male sexual behavior in the workplace very risky. The Nordic Model makes prostitution illegal, but only for the buyer, i.e., men. The Tender Years Doctrine almost always gives custody of children to mothers. The Duluth Model and policies that demand that police arrest the bigger, stronger person in a domestic dispute, almost always make men guilty of domestic violence. These all point to feminists using an exaggerated fear of rape and other exaggerations to initiate a system of "Jane Crow" against American men. Of course, it is not likely to be anywhere as serious and oppressive as Jim Crow, but it certainly deserves our attention and condemnation.'
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strength vs. weakness.
thundercloud once told me this; "women's greatest strength is their facade of weakness. men's greatest weakness is their facade of strength."
...just tossing that out there.
not so sure
I agree with the first: "women's greatest strength is their facade of weakness."
Not the second.
Strength is not a facade. It is real. It has started and waged wars of offense and defense. It has created disciplines in art, science and engineering. It has dug the ditches, built the acqueducts of Rome and made the pyramids reach for the sky. It has written peace treaties and constitutions.
Feminism has convinced people that strength is bad (except when displayed by "feminists" -- I cannot bring myself to insult "women," so I will use the word "feminist"). And in reaction men kowtow and (with false modesty in the face of feminist disdain) grudgingly agree it is a facade. And that changes strength, modfiies it, weakens it: inducing it to lose its ductility to become brittle. And then it breaks and gives birth to the real misogyny (born at the hands of feminists -- misogyny: thy name is feminism). And then, in reponse, feminists blame all men for misogyny.
It is OK to be strong, it is OK to be proud of masculinity.
I would say:
"men's greatest weakness is their fear of their own strength."
It is time this becomes the message to boys.
men's greatest weakness
"men's greatest weakness is their fear of their own strength."
yes! let's go with that one!! (^_^)