Three Recent Lawsuits Challenge the ‘Rape Crisis’ Storyline

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yes, there are victims of America’s alleged college “rape crisis.” There are the women who are actually raped — who experience among the worst of crimes and live with the psychological and sometimes physical consequences for the rest of their lives. But there are also other victims, people whose lives are ruined by false accusations, with reputations destroyed in the quest to prove a larger narrative — that America’s college campuses are uniquely dangerous places for American women.

Three recently filed lawsuits show the other side of the “rape crisis,” how the media glosses over ambiguity to advance an agenda, creating heroes out of potential liars and villains out of the possibly innocent. I say “potential” and “possible” because in the real world, ambiguity is common and clarity is rare. But its difficult to create a crisis out of confusion, so agenda-driven “journalists” manufacture clarity, no matter the cost.

The three most prominent campus rape stories of the past year — Columbia University’s “mattress” protest, the Rolling Stone hoax, and former Florida State University quarterback Jameis Winston’s alleged assault — are now the subject of three unusual lawsuits. Each lawsuit directly challenges rape narratives that the plaintiffs claim were deeply harmful to their reputations, finances, and emotional well-being.'

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