"Girls With Autism Fare Worse Than Boys, Study Finds"

More feminisation of a men's and boy's health concern. Link here. Excerpt:

'While girls are far less likely than boys to be diagnosed with autism, girls with the developmental disorder show more impairments compared to their healthy female peers than comparable sets of boys do, new research suggests.

Scientists from the University of California Davis MIND Institute contend that girls with autism may suffer from greater social deficits than boys with the condition, which is characterized by problems with emotional and communication skills.

"Many of the studies looking for behavioral differences in autism have only compared boys and girls with autism and not to their typically developing counterparts," said study author Christine Wu Nordahl, an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.
About one in 68 American children is diagnosed with autism, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but boys are more than four times as likely to be affected.'

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