Ex-Student Accused Of Sexual Misconduct Sues Over Disciplinary Warning

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former Brandeis student is suing the university after it gave him a disciplinary warning for violating its code of sexual misconduct. He’s claiming the investigation into the alleged misconduct deprived him of due process and the disciplinary warning jeopardizes his goal of attending law school and pursuing a career in public service and politics.

In his lawsuit, the student claims that by using a special examiner — a growing trend on college campuses — Brandeis deprived him of the most basic elements of fairness and due process. He says in the suit he never had an opportunity to confront his accuser, question witnesses or present a defense. He says he never knew what his accuser had said about him or what the factual basis for the charges against him were, and that he was never allowed to read the examiner’s report. He says it was only after the examiner found him responsible of the charges against him that he learned of the specific conduct he was alleged to have engaged in.'

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