Student Op-Ed: ‘Yes Means Yes’ Is Not Enough Because Sometimes ‘Yes Means No’

Article here. Excerpt:

'"When it comes to consent, it’s not enough to teach that “no means no” or even that only “yes means yes” — because sometimes “yes” can actually mean “no.”

At least that’s the point of view expressed in an op-ed written by Jordan Bosiljevac for Claremont McKenna College’s student newspaper, the Forum.

In the piece, Bosiljevac explains that she and her friends even came up with a phrase to describe someone having sex with you who you didn’t want to have sex with even though you told him that you did, which they apparently consider a form of rape:

“We coined the term ‘raped by rape culture’ to describe what it was like to say yes, coerced by the culture that had raised us and the systems of power that worked on us, and to still want ‘no,’” she writes in the April 30 article, titled “Why Yes Can Mean No.”'

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So even if the girl says "yes," she might really mean "no"? Of course, it's up to the man to figure out when yes=no, otherwise he's a rapist.

One of the problems men face in this area is that women are not always straightforward in their communications. Most women won't give a straight yes or no when it comes to sex. If they did, it would make this all much easier. But women do their best to avoid taking any responsibility for their sexual desires. They want the man to take responsibility and, if he gets it wrong, to blame him and throw him in jail.

Or am I just stating the obvious?

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