University prof flunks 'white masculinity' in controversial tweets

Article here. Excerpt:

'Critics say a newly-hired Boston University professor has crossed the line with recent tweets bashing whites, but the school says it’s simply free speech.

“White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges,” Saida Grundy [link added], an incoming assistant professor of sociology and African-American studies at Boston University, tweeted in March.
In another, she called white males a “problem population.”

“Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?” she asked.

The tweets were first noticed by student Nick Pappas, who posted them on his website “” and questioned how Grundy could be able to teach a diverse classroom given the racial hostility in her tweets.

“You have to teach college aged white males eventually, no?... this seems like you are unqualified to grade their work as you clearly demonstrate some kind of special bias against them,” he wrote.'

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An openly racist, sexist prof at a uni, esp. as aimed at any segment of the student population, must go. Contact these BU admins and tell them to send her packing. Remember, be polite and stick to facts; it's a lot more effective. Contact:

And don't forget the Board of Trustees. I think they need to hear about this and bring their weight to bear, too.

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I sent her a tweet telling her that she's an anti-male bigot and racist as well. Funny thing is I got a message saying I'd been blocked from following her. Fancy that. Guess she doesn't want any dissenting opinions.

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... an apology? :) When dealing with bigots, esp. feminist ones, there is no reasoning nor any way to get through to them. They must "wake up", assuming they do at all, for there to be change. Remember "Schindler's List", and the moment portrayed when he "woke up" from his bigotry-induced murderous fog of denial? The sight of a little girl's doll did it. It woke him up to the humanity of the victims whose deaths he was profiting from (albeit indirectly) but cooperating in facilitating directly. He was as guilty as any SS guard or gas chamber operator. But that little girl's doll got through to him, finally. From that moment on, he could stealthily do what he could to save as many lives as possible.

It will take an "Ah-ha" moment of some kind for any given racist bigot, feminist, etc., to suddenly realize what is happening and what has happened to her (or him). But can any one of us, or as a group, can we induce that? I am skeptical, as we have been trying hard and have not turned many feminists or other kinds of bigots, at least collectively, away from the Wicked Path (as it were). But can MRAs keep others from going down that path? Can we stop it from happening and show those who have not yet drunk the Kool-Aid that doing so is fundamentally wrong and at least avoid it, if not start working actively to stop its spread? Yes, *that* we can do.

As for the prof here, she may well be a lost cause. Nothing we can do about her. Calling her a bigot, well, that may be true about her, and it may feel good to do, but one cannot expect her to change as a result. (Not that I imagined you might think she would.) But me, I have simply given up on even communicating directly with such persons. I choose not to waste my time or breath talking to bigots and/or feminists. I have only to see the results of doing so on YouTube videos and the personal experiences I have had when trying to get through to them in the past to know it's a waste of one's breath. Better to talk to one's pets and plants. At least those will benefit from the interaction and not be frustrating to you.

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