"Mother's Day reminder: Women are braver and smarter"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mother’s Day is a reminder to fellas that the women in our lives are smarter and braver than us.

My mom, for instance, went back to school in her 60s and got a PhD at Berkeley. Her expertise is in artificial intelligence. At least I think it is. I can never understand what the hell she’s talking about.

My sister has a masters degree, my girlfriend is an MBA. Me, I’ve got high school, a cup of coffee at Carleton University, and the Sun’s work-safety course.

History is adorned with examples of the superiority of women, mothers in particular, from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Laura Secord to Jackie Kennedy to Angelina Jolie.

If women ran the world, we’d be a much happier, more peaceful planet.'

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... that any given man is not necessarily a master of logical thinking. His reasoning is this, if it can be called that: some women are more accomplished and/or smarter and/or "better" than some or even most men in some signif. way(s), therefore women are categorically smarter/better than men.

Holy non-sequiturs, Batman! Guess the author slept through Set Theory class and never bothered reading the Wikipedia Philosophy portal page on formal reasoning. He says he lacks education in his article, and indeed, the poor misguided fellow does.

Newsflash, my man: Men *invented* and lead the field of artif. intelligence. But good for your mom that she got a PhD in it, esp. past age 60. (Hard to do while being actively oppressed by the vicious Patriarchy.)

As for women being cat'ly "smarter" based on IQ test results, well, the main rsn they have started scoring higher is b/c the ?s have been modified to incl. less in the way of formal reasoning and more interpretive styles of ?s have gotten added. Also, w/ so much in ed'nal resources being thrown at females over males the past 30 yrs., it should come as no surprise that they're a bit better at taking standardized tests.

But I say "Happy Mom's Day" to all the moms out there. And I also say "Dry up!" to the author of this foolishness.

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well'p. as it said on the barn door, in George Orwell's "ANIMAL FARM":


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