To End Violence Against Women, End Violence Against Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'“The fates of the two genders are intertwined; for women to thrive, men and boys must be part of the gender equality agenda,” said Gary Barker, co-founder of MenEngage, in a column for New America.

Often in global conversations, abuse is oversimplified into an us-versus-them issue. But as the ICRW study illustrates, such a depiction doesn’t accurately capture the whole story. By dichotomizing one party as good and the other as bad – male or female – it can prevent further exploration into the deeper roots of gender issues that could help make the world more humane for all.

The ICRW study notes men who abused their partners were often abused as children, it doesn’t take into account women are more likely to be child abusers. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ 2013 Child Maltreatment Report published in January 2015, 53.9 percent of perpetrators were women while 45 percent were men.'

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Aside from all being men, they had been badly abused as boys. One creates a sociopath by treating him (or her) like an object during childhood. It's that simple.

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, the founder of the first batterred women's shelter in Great Britain has been trying to spread this message for decades. According to her, intimate partner violence is not a gender issue, but a generational issue. It is learned by children from watching parents physically hurt each other, leading some to think it is acceptable, normal behaviour. It makes a lot of sense, when you think about it. It also explains why roughly half of domestic abusers are not male.

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