There Is No Wage Gap: Feminists Want Equal Pay for Unequal Work

Article here. Excerpt:

'The feminist addiction to lies, damned lies, and statistics shows no signs of abating anytime soon. Perhaps the most brazen example is the thoroughly deceptive assertion that one in five college coeds will be raped before graduation—a false statistic that is still being wielded against due process in academia, even in the face of all the recent hoaxes. I remember it being one in four (and occasionally even one in three) back when I was an undergrad, so conditions have apparently been improving even in feminist dreamland. Nevertheless, even one in five is enough to motivate absurdities such as the University of Virginia’s recent war on hugs.
Nevertheless, a shallow comparison doesn’t reveal much when one’s income is rather heavily influenced by factors such as the hours one works and the job one has trained for—factors that are mostly a matter of personal volition in modern society. When it comes to education, for example, women tend to choose less lucrative courses of study. They dominate fields that specialize in quasi-familial types of personal care (e.g., early childhood education, social work, counseling, etc.) as well as those that aspire to elevate artistic creativity into what are usually financially uncertain professions (e.g. studio arts, visual and performing arts, etc.) At the same time, men dominate more lucrative engineering fields that tend to be abstracted away from these kinds of social engagement.

There are a host of other factors, as well: Women are more likely to take time off from a career for the sake of starting a family. Men also tend to put in more hours at the office than women do. This is particularly pronounced among married women—most of whom prefer to trade potential salary for the flexibility to be more personally involved with their families.'

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"To each according to their gender. From each according to their gender."

Translation: Pay women what men make even though their doing less and don't actually earn it.

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