Ad for draft board points up ironic inequity
Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2015-04-26 09:28
Announcement here. Excerpt:
'The Selective Service System wants to hear from men and women in the community who might be willing to serve as members of local draft boards.
If a military draft becomes necessary, approximately 2,000 local and appeal boards throughout America would decide which young men in each community receive deferments, postponements or exemptions from military service, based on federal guidelines.'
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In ancient Rome...
... prior to the start of its slide, no one who hadn't served at least one 16-year term of service in the legions or navy could run for public office. I'm guessing he probably couldn't serve on the equiv. of their draft boards, either.
Imagine a 20-something woman who, due to her parentage, getting on this kind of board and should a draft be reinstated, not being subject to it herself, getting to pick and choose which of her male classmates gets drafted. Think of the outragrous irony. This is true today and has been for some time. Imagine any person who hasn't at least lived in danger of being drafted being on such a board. Ugh.
This very concept is what terrifies me of a female president. Imagine a woman who has no idea what it feels like to fear being sent off to war, reappropriating any young male life she wants as a chess piece. That is the definition of oppression. It truly is barf-worthy.