Court: Gun Permit Can Be Denied for Domestic Violence Accusation
Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-04-24 00:27
Story here. Excerpt:
'On April 22, a three-judge appellate panel from the New Jersey Superior Court ruled that a domestic violence accusation–that did not result in a conviction–is sufficient grounds for denying a resident a gun permit.
Z.I. was acquitted of those charges in 1998, yet upon applying for a gun permit, the police chief handling Z.I.’s application suggested his “past history of domestic violence” may be enough to “indicate a public safety concern.”
Z.I. appealed the rejection and told the court he had, indeed, “struck his wife in the 1998 incident but stressed that it was accidental.” He then pointed to the court documents showing he was acquitted of the charges.'
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