Will Any Presidential Candidate Support a White House Council on Boys and Men?
Article here. Excerpt:
'There used to be a stigma in recent years toward forming male-only organizations, due to the perception they were sexist; excluding women for the benefit of men. But as boys and men are increasingly failing in so many areas - crime, violence, and education to name a few - that perception is changing. There is a real need for organizations that can reverse this trend and prevent men from turning to destructive lifestyles. The purpose of men's interest groups is evolving; it isn't to help men excel over women, it's merely to stop the spiraling path downward so many are now taking, to the detriment of everyone in society.
I asked Dr. Farrell if the left's interest in transgender, fluid gender, etc., might dissuade Clinton and Democrats from accepting a council for males. He didn't think so, explaining that it doesn't matter what kind of boy or man - every color, every class, every point in history and every place in geography - we're talking about, there is something that has happened to them in recent years that has hurt them. Throughout all of history, girls became women who raised children, and boys became men who raised money or killed animals and enemies. In every culture that survived, boys became heroes by being disposable. After World War II ended in industrialized countries, survival was no longer such a dominant force, and divorces became an option. The women's movement gave women a sense of purpose beyond just raising children; they could also raise money and have careers.
But no one gave men a purpose beyond raising money. Today, males have lost their purpose, because fewer are needed to die in wars and being the sole breadwinner no longer constitutes the definition of masculinity.
Forming a council for boys and men would also help women - the mothers, grandmothers, sisters, spouses and children of men and boys. It is not a zero-sum game. Women, wouldn't it be nice to have a pool of men to select from who have manners, good values and are trustworthy, rather than neglected and raised by TV?'
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Might Not Be A Good Idea
If a White House Council on Boys and Men was implemented during an Obama or Clinton Presidency there's no doubt it would revolve around feminist ideology. Such a council would probably be facilitated by male feminists like Jackson Katz or Michael Kimmel. They would unleash propaganda about toxic masculinity, rape culture, and patriarchal oppression. This is the very type of illogical and bigoted rhetoric MRA's are battling.
yes. mastodon. i couldn't agree MORE!
feminists are nothing if not opportunistic.
we've seen in the past where they have claimed to be "trying to help men" when they are actually just cloaking their true agenda.
for instance, do you (or anyone else) recall when the feminists claimed that Hooters restaurants discriminated in hiring MEN, and tried to get a lawsuit filed?
that one was so transparent, it wasn't even funny.
most people with half a brain, knew FULL well that the feminists didn't (and don't) give a WIT about discrimination against men. in fact they do everything in their power to promote discrimination against men!
all these 'hags' wanted was to have Hooters go out of business because they believe the restaurant exploits women (which i kind of agree with, but the women make the CHOICE to work there).
they simply tried to present themselves in an egalitarian form, when in reality it was (and is) just the same tired, old militant feminist agenda.
dollars to donuts, that any council on boys and men will be exploited by the feminists, just as you say!
at least under the democrats.
(which pains me to say because i AM a democrat).
I'm afraid Mastodon might be
I'm afraid Mastodon might be right.