"Yes, Men Have Problems — But The Men’s Rights Movement Doesn’t Come Close To Dealing With Them"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When I first heard about the Men’s Rights Movement, I was naturally extremely interested. After all, I am a man, and I quite like having rights. In fact, I’m in favour of rights for all men, so any movement which supported that, I thought, would be right up my alley.

Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the Men’s Rights Movement is not so much a group of men making a serious attempt to address issues of importance to men, or trying to help male fellows everywhere become the best men they can be in the modern world, as it is a sort of United Federation of Crybabies: a semi-coordinated international network of drooling paranoiacs who think women are their enemy and take every advance made by a group that doesn’t include them as a direct attack on their basic human rights. To many men’s right activists, the only possible response to anyone suggesting a little nudge of the balance away from the male side is rabid, fang-baring aggression, savage attacks – that manage to be simultaneously noisily brutish and pathetically childish – on the people they think are their enemies, which run the gamut from women, to men who like women.

These sad, strange creatures exist in a state of cat-like readiness, a permanent pose of spittle-flecked defence against what they are certain are real and deadly threats to their way of life. They will, to be sure, stand up for their rights: wherever there is a man feeling sad about his place in the world, there the men’s rights movement will be, defending to the death his right to blame a woman for it.'

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I'm snarling right now, in fact! Snarl, snarl!

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grr grrs, from me as well, love!


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. . . find it amusing that a rambling, opinion piece lacking any substance whatsoever is on a website called junkee.com ? How appropriate!

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for the 'mangina of the year award'.

my other nominee is that bald steve guy on daytime tv who constantly denigrates men for not stepping up and doing what he (and his female audience) thinks every man should, pay up and shut up.

I'm trying to design the award trophy now. not easy. suggestions?

oh if only we had a male birth control pill. most of this foolishness would probably just fade away. too bad it can't get fda approval. each pill would probably cost like erectile dis-function meds anyway.

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