UK: ‘Kill All Men': Lib Dem Activist in Hate Speech Scandal

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Liberal Democrat activist who sits on two national party committees has been suspended from her regional party after a string of sexist comments on social media. The activist in question, Sarah Noble, made multiple tweets of a disturbingly hateful nature, including “kill all men”, “fuck men”, and “die cis[gendered] scum”.

The comments were brought to light by HEqual, a gender egalitarian campaigning group. After being made aware of them, former Lib Dem Equalities Minister Jo Swinson was quick to condemn Noble’s comments. Writing on Facebook, Swinson said the comments were “completely unacceptable” and “in no way represent the views of Liberal Democrats”. The former Minister also said that Noble has been asked to delete her tweets and apologise. No apology has yet been forthcoming.

Noble sits on the national committees of the LGBT Liberal Democrats and the Secular & Humanist Liberal Democrats. She has also been elected to the executive committee of the National Union of Students’ LGBT wing, which, like the LGBT Lib Dems, has a zero-tolerance attitude towards hate speech.'

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well, everyone.
it's time to play: "SWITCH THE GENDERS AROUND".
the game that where if it's not obvious bigotry, we name it obvious by simply switching the genders!!

the problem is, that if a MAN even DARED say the exact things about women, the vitriolic, nazi-esque hate would be glaringly obvious!and he would likely be brought up on "hate-crimes" charges.
but.... since for most feminists and their sycophantic male lapdogs, the obvious is not so obvious, let's play "SWITCH THE GENDERS AROUND!"
let's begin shall we...?

(1)"We just voted to remove the word "women" from a motion re: razors. I said we need to remove women from society."
(2) "I keep putting women in the bin and they keep crawling out."
(3) "In the news this week: cis black women are awful, water is wet"
(4) "Women are such entitled sows, really. Brought up to objectify and abuse men and then complain when we bite back."
(5) "kill all women imho"
(6) "my favourite may-may is the one where females die."
(7) "Good night, sleep tight
You are not permitted to dream,
It is not permitted for women to dream."
(8) "baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, kill all women."
(9) "got shot down last year because of "what about the womens?" Fuck women."
........and so on and so forth.
see what i did, there? all i did was replace the words "men" and/or "males" in each sentence and replaced them with the words "women" and/or "females".

*gasp* wowsers...! NOW it is suddenly APPARENT that the language is INDEED HATE SPEECH!!
now... my question is this... WHY do we even HAVE to reverse the blinkin' genders to make it obvious in the FIRST f***ing place...????
holy moley!!!! (-_-)

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