Hillary Clinton announces candidacy for 2016 Democrat nomination for POTUS

In case you missed it, article here. Well, I have to admit, I called it wrong. I had her for sure not running. Maybe she will for a time and then drop out after more cash flows into the Clinton Coffers, I dunno. Under normal conditions I might say, "Just sit back and watch the fun," but the stakes are too high. Resistance is *far* from futile. We're stuck, for all practical purposes, with one of two candidates now: The Hildebeast and whoever gets the GOP nod since the Demo party result is a foregone conclusion. If ever there was a time to be politically active during an election year, 2015-2016 is it. Excerpt:

'Ending two years of speculation and coy denials, Hillary Rodham Clinton announced on Sunday that she would seek the presidency for a second time, immediately establishing herself as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee.

“I’m running for president,” she said with a smile near the end of a two-minute video released just after 3 p.m.

“Everyday Americans need a champion. And I want to be that champion,” Mrs. Clinton said. “So I’m hitting the road to earn your vote — because it’s your time. And I hope you’ll join me on this journey.”

The announcement came minutes after emails from John D. Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, alerting donors and longtime Clinton associates to her candidacy.

Mr. Podesta said that Mrs. Clinton would meet soon with voters in Iowa and host a formal kickoff event some time next month.

The announcement effectively began what could be one of the least contested races, without an incumbent, for the Democratic presidential nomination in recent history — a stark contrast to the 2008 primaries, when Mrs. Clinton, the early front-runner, ended up in a long and expensive battle won by Barack Obama. It could also be the first time a woman captures a major party’s nomination.'

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... And I want to be that champion."

That is, if you're a white middle-to-upper class woman. Everyone else can go take a flying f*ck at a rolling doughnut, especially men of any class and ethnicity.

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I disagree with her politics, and I do not think she would make good president.

But that aside, I resent her for her opening line: "I've spent my entire life standing up for women, children, families, and anyone who needed a little help along the way."

I resent her for her political statement: "Don't you want to finally see a woman president?"

The first quote leaves out all men. The second tacitly accepts the thought that women have been oppressed for 200 years due to THIS "glsss ceiling."

Tell that to the millions of men who died in the Civil War.
Tell that to the men who left their homes and died civilizing the wild west.
Tell that to the victims of the Titanic, 90% of whom were men.
Tell that to the male soldiers who died on the ice crossing the Ptotomac with Washington.

Most men do not abuse women and do not oppress women. Most men support their wives and daughters. Women would not have gained the vote without the respect of men (and they gained it BEFORE the 17 year old men whom we sent to die in Viet Nam.)

The thing I do not like about Hillary's statements is its basic assumption that FINALLY a woman can run for president.

Well, I look forward to the day when FINALLY men's health is as well funded as woman's health, or when men are FINALLY not given nearly double the same prison sentence for the same crime, or when the eduction of boys is FINALLY taken as seriously as that of girls, or when body image for men on TV FINALLY is a much concern as that of woman.

That world of "Mad Men" is a world long gone (and which extended its misinterpretation of men both back and forward in time) and one in which my father had to drive a cab and work two night jobs to support his family. It was never a bed of roses for men. Men die at such a higher rate from suicide and all top ten diseases.

So while I am happy that FINALLY a women is running, I will be much happier when FINALLY ALL women join NOT ONLY in their rights but in their obligations: the selective service, the balance in health care and eduction, equal work for equal pay (i.e. mines, sanitation, construction, work hours) equal punishment before the law and punishment of false rape accusers.

The concrete basement that blocks the average man or boy -- the one that douses boys with ADHD drugs or sends them off to jail, or treats them like cannon fodder in war or movies -- is far more pernicious than the glass ceiling because no one looks down to see it. And I look forward to the day when THAT barrier FINALLY breaks,

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I view feminism as largely an attempt to free women from their traditional obligations and responsibilities while giving them more choices. They call this "liberation" because it liberates women from their responsibilities to men and children. At the same time, it seeks to bind men to their responsibilities to women and children while "liberating" men from their rights.

Holding women responsible and accountable is anathema to feminism.

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well... if it makes anyone feel at least a bit better, this is one woman that will NOT be voting for hillary clinton.
would i like to see a female president? sure. just not THIS female as president.
plus i do not want a woman to be president simply because she is a woman.
how is that any better than voting for a man simply because he is a man?
it isn't.
you vote for the person that will be the best leader of this country. be they male or female.
hillary is well known for her feminist stance, and derogatory statements about men. (she is also a known spouse abuser)
i tell you chaps, voting for hillary if you are a man, is tantamount to voting for the grand dragon of the KKK if you are a minority. and you are a complete loony, if you do!

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I want my daughter to become a smart, willful and determined woman, NOT because men are bad but because women are good.

And I'd like for her to see a female president.

But not at the expense of throwing men in the wastebasket as Hillary would do to men (because of her anger at her husband).

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I'd love to see a female president who calls people like Hillary on her crap. Michelle Bachmann comes to mind.

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