Why aren't we taking rape seriously?

Article here. Excerpt:

'There was a time when rape and sexual assault were considered some of the most abhorrent crimes imaginable. No more.

Now, at least on college campuses, rape and sexual assault are considered mere disciplinary matters, no different than plagiarism or theft from a dorm. To non-college students, they are considered crimes.

You would think the issue was being taken seriously, given the mattress-carrying demonstrations and numerous marches with hand-made signs spouting catchy slogans like "non-consensual sex is rape." But according to the activists, the solution to this problem — this so-called rape culture — is not to send serious crimes to the police, but to campus courts where the worst an accused student can face is expulsion.

The "seriousness" of the issue is addressed not by prosecuting and punishing offenses appropriately, but by removing due process rights from accused students. The preferred method is to take the word of all accusers as gospel, lower the burden of proof, and presume guilt on the part of the accused. This all makes it much easier to brand young men as "rapists" without having to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.'

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