Princeton professor opposes new policy for handling sexual misconduct allegations

Story here. Excerpt:

'Princeton University's new policy for handling allegations of sexual misconduct is bad for students, a university professor said Tuesday night.

Stanley Katz of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs said the policy, which creates a unique protocol for addressing sexual misconduct, is a departure from the way justice is typically administered in the U.S. legal system, as well as at universities.

"There are ordinarily generic norms and generic penalties," he said during a public discussion at a meeting of Princeton's literary and debating society.

In September, Princeton faculty voted overwhelmingly to overhaul university policy for handling allegations of sexual misconduct. The changes, recommended by a University committee, included a relaxation of the standard of evidence in such cases from "clear and persuasive," or highly probable, to "preponderance," meaning the allegation is more likely true than not.'

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