Actress criticised for comparing her Jewish boyfriend to her dog

Story here. Excerpt:

Girls actor Lena Dunham [link added] has been criticised for comparing her Jewish boyfriend to her dog.

Published in The New Yorker, her article, Dog or Jewish Boyfriend? A Quiz, offers a list of 35 things comparing the two.

"Do the following statements refer to (a) my dog or (b) my Jewish boyfriend?" she asks.

"1. The first thing I noticed about him was his eyes."

"2. We love to spend hours in bed together on Sunday mornings."

Moving on to question eight , Dunham writes about "him" feeling judgemental about the food she serves him.

"When I make something from scratch, he doesn't want to eat it, but he also rejects most store-bought dinners.

"This is because he comes from a culture in which mothers focus every ounce of their attention on their offspring and don't acknowledge their own need for independence as women. They are sucked dry by their children, who ultimately leave them as soon as they find suitable mates," Dunham says.

Is she referring to her dog or her Jewish boyfriend?'

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Imagine if a non-Jewish man had written something like this about a Jewish woman?

Imagine if a man had written anything like this about a woman?

Would the New Yorker have published it? If it had, would it not be the subject of street-level picketing and mass cancellations of subscriptions.

Maybe it ought to be.

Boycott The New Yorker. Cancel your sub, if you have one. (Contact page here.) if you don't have a sub, let them know you wouldn't now even consider it. Demand an editorial apology but don't let them off the hook. Inform them that that only buys them the chance you may re-sub-- a year or so from now, when they have proven they are not just all talk and maybe had a chance to look inside themselves to confront their misandry and/or anti-Semitism (my money's on "and"). And, someone needs to be fired. They can't fire the author, though someone ought to. But they can fire whatever editorial phool allowed this to go to press.

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