What it's like to be falsely accused of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’ve been very interested in the last few days to read about Kayode Modupe-Ojo, who has spoken to the press about being falsely accused of rape.

Even though Mr. Modupe-Ojo's experience is a lot more painful than mine – he was jailed for a short time, named publicly, and saw his business tainted by association, while I avoided all three mainly due to the ineptitude of my accuser – I still have a first-hand insight into what it’s like to be falsely accused of sexually assaulting somebody.
Firstly, what was interesting, even unique, about my false accusation is that I knew it was going to happen. To explain, my accuser was a one-night stand who had taken to harassing me after I denied her a second date, turning up drunk at my flat and sending me abusive texts and voicemails. In the early summer of 2010 she stepped up the frequency of her visits. When I found her stood outside my home one evening in the pouring rain, intently watching my bedroom window, I told her that I was going to have to go to the police if the behaviour continued. She responded by telling me that if I did go to the police, she would tell them that I had drugged her and sexually assaulted her.

Unsurprisingly, I didn't go to the police straight away, but eventually the persistence of her harassment gave me little choice. It's a faintly surreal experience telling a police officer that, by the way, when you arrest her, she's probably going to tell you that I raped her, but I figured that my warning them at least would slightly discredit her if she went through with it.

Which she did. Two days later I had a phone call to tell me that Louise* had made certain allegations towards me, sexual in nature, that would have to be investigated separately to my own case, and that officers would be in touch. I'd like to have the words to describe the full-body wash of absolute dread and nausea I felt at the moment, but I simply don't. In that moment, your entire sexual history comes into sharp focus and you are forced to analyse it.'

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