Common Core High School Class Calls Video Games ‘Sexist’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Libertarian feminist Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers is no friend to liberal academics, as the latest planned boycott of an upcoming UCLA appearance still demonstrates, but one cannot deny her influence and public recognition on the issues of feminism and political correctness in the current political sphere. She makes no apologies regarding her opinion, which is very similar to my own that leftist political correctness has hijacked the feminist cause and turned it into something akin to political and societal napalm. I love her for it.

Dr. Sommers’ crosshairs have most recently caught sight of a truly baffling case, indeed – a high school class built for the express purpose of satisfying a particular requirement of the Common Core class model, titled “Is Gaming A Boy’s Club,” is perpetuating that completely-original-no-kidding myth that video games are the devil and are the reason for [insert current negative headline of the time].  This, of course, is ludicrous, and Dr. Sommers in her own words says as much (albeit much more eloquently) during a video segment she recorded for the American Enterprise Institute, “The War on Gamers Continues:”'

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