Hey, Ladies: Stop Nagging and Complaining About Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Indeed, some men these days are pathetic, shiftless, effeminate, video game obsessed couch potatoes. No doubt about it. I’ve known several myself. They’re out there. Well, not out there, more like in there, in the living room, playing with toys and trolling Tinder for cheap hook-ups. They’re not always unemployed or unproductive, mind you. They might have a job, a girlfriend (which won’t necessarily stop them from trolling Tinder), their own apartment, and their very own student loan debt.
In fact, they might be married (which, again, still Tinder). They’re the husbands who sit at home on Sundays and play Call of Duty while their wives take the kids to church. The husbands who lock themselves in their bedrooms and browse internet smut while their wives clean the kitchen and put the kids to bed. The husbands who don’t lead, who don’t contribute anything to the family other than money, and sometimes not even that. Talk about crying, I know there are many married women who cry themselves to sleep every night because they thought they married a man, only to find out they actually married a vaguely sentient beanbag chair.
Yes, the landscape is littered with men of this sort. Boys, as you call them.

It’s a difficult situation, that’s the truth. These are all truths. Important truths. So here’s the good news: virtually everyone understands these problems and discusses them ad nauseum. Men are lectured about their all around suckiness so much that it’s practically become a national pastime — one that I’ve certainly participated in. You want me to write something about loafing, deadbeat men? Already have. Everyone has. It’s all been said and said again and said again and said again and said again in sign language and French and Spanish and Greek and Pig Latin. The nagging has moved out of the home and now it’s pumped into the loudspeakers of society, and men cannot escape it anywhere.

It's one thing to hold men accountable, but it’s quite another to berate them with a relentless, toxic barrage of generalized insults; to scapegoat them; to give them absolutely no credit for their positive contributions, and to pretend women are faultless in all of this.'

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